How to get started

Assets View is designed to make managing your devices simple and efficient. Here's everything you need to get up and running quickly.

What You’ll Need

For Hosted Users

  • A hosted N-able login or N-able Login with Entra ID

For On-Premises Users

  • N-central 24.6 or later installed

  • A valid N-able Login or N-able Login with Entra ID

  • The Unified Modern agent set up (Opting into Analytics enables Cloud Eventing)

Access the Assets view

Hosted users:

  • Go to Views > Assets.

On-premises users:

  • From the left panel, select the level to work at.

  • Go to Views > Assets.

Quick Tips

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of managing your devices effectively. These features make it easier to sort, monitor, and address potential issues while keeping your workflow efficient:

  • Use filters to sort devices by things like the OS version.

  • Look for trends or unusual activity that might need attention.

  • Use trends to fix small issues before they become big problems.

  • Create a custom view.

  • Search columns for specific devices by name.