Software Inventory report

The Software Inventory report provides a comprehensive overview of the software applications currently in use across your customers' devices. It details the specific applications and their versions, ensuring that you or your customers have the latest view of their software inventory. This insight not only supports better software management but also helps identify opportunities for updates, upgrades, or license adjustments.

To generate a Software Inventory report

  1. Go to Analytics > Dashboard > Reports.

  2. Select the Software Inventoryreport.

  3. Select the report criteria:

    Customer: Select the customer for the report.

    Device Class: Select one or more of the device classes available to include in the report to limit the report to only specific device classes. All devices classes is the default.

    Device Name: Select one or more devices to include in the report. All devices is the default.

    Vendor: Select which software applications to report on based on the vendor.

    Group By: Choose whether you want the report results grouped by Devices or by Software. Devices is the default value.

  4. From the Export button, select the report format. Click Schedule and Send to send the report later.

Example of a Software Inventory report in Excel format: