Antivirus Status report

The Antivirus Status report provides an overview of the current state of antivirus protection across one or more devices. Its goal is to help IT administrators, cybersecurity teams, or individual users monitor the effectiveness of their antivirus software and identify potential vulnerabilities or unresolved issues.

To generate an Antivirus Status report

  1. Go to Analytics > Dashboard > Reports.

  2. Select the Antivirus Status report.

  3. Select your report criteria:

    Customer: Select the customer(s) for the report.

    Dates: Select the date range for the reporting period.

    Device class: Select one or more of the device classes available to include in the report to limit the report to only specific device classes. All devices classes is the default.

    Device name: Select one or more devices to include in the report. All devices is the default.

  4. Click the Export button and select the report format. Click Schedule and Send to send the report later.