Configure your PSA to communicate with N-able N-central

After you parse data from N-able N-central at the PSA, you can push a Ticket ID back to N-able N-central. The Ticket ID will display in the Active Issues view, and lets you click on the ID to open the ticket in your Custom PSA.

You can also view the ticket the Audit Trail.

Example Workflow

The following table includes a description of the ticket creation, modification, close and reopen workflow identifying the actor (N-able N-central or the PSA) as well as the required callbacks (including SOAP callbacks).

Callback notes:

  • All REST endpoint URLs start with http://my-ncentral-ip/dms/rest/
  • The ticket URL must contain a protocol (such as http:// or https://), where my-ncentral-ip is replaced with the IP address of your N-able N-central server.

    The N-able N-central system IP address or hostname will have to be configured within the PSA solution, and paired based on the sender email address from N-able N-central.

  • SOAP calls should be called against http://my-ncentral-ip/dms2/services2/ServerEI2
  • The ticket URL must contain a protocol (such as http:// or https://), where my-ncentral-ip is replaced with the IP address of your N-able N-central server.

Ticket Action

Action by PSA

Required callback from PSA to N-able N-central/
API calls they will use to send back to N-able N-central


Create a new ticket with information sent in the body of email. Parse CustomPsaTicketId and store it with the ticket.

REST call

Send HTTP PUT callback containing body in JSON format to N-able N-central
where my-central-ip is the IP address of your MSP N-central server, and {CustomPsaTicketId} contains the:

  • ticket number
  • ticket URL

Example: {"ticketNumber": "another ticket #", "ticketUrl": ""}

SOAP call


Parse CustomPsaTicketId.

Find the ticket based on the CustomPsaTicketId. If you can't find it, create it.

Update the ticket with a note in the body of the email.

Rest call

  1. (Conditional) Callback for Create if the ticket doesn't exist. See Create.
  2. This condition is here if the create mail call gets lost, you can still do the creation.

  3. No callback for update ticket.

SOAP call

  1. No callback for update ticket.


Parse CustomPsaTicketId.

Close ticket based on the CustomPsaTicketId. If you can't find it, create it.

Update the ticket with a note contained in the body of the email.

  1. (Conditional) Callback for Create if the ticket doesn't exist. See Create.
  2. This condition is here if the create mail call gets lost, you can still do the creation.

  3. PUT callback to N-able N-central to: /custompsa/tickets/resolve/{CustomPsaTicketId}

SOAP call


Parse CustomPsaTicketId.

Find ticket based on CustomPsaTicketId If you can't find it, create it.

Update ticket with a note contained in the body of the email and if PSA supports status change, reopen the ticket

Rest call

  1. (Conditional) Callback for Create if the ticket doesn't exist. See Create.
  2. This condition is here if the create mail call gets lost, you can still do the creation.

  3. PUT callback to N-able N-central to: /custompsa/tickets/reopen/{CustomPsaTicketId}

SOAP call



Rest call

If the PSA requires information about a ticket (for example, if a CREATE request email was lost), you can use the GET endpoint:


SOAP call

Maintenance A maintenance task deletes resolved tickets older than half a year (these tickets are inactive, are not being actively used, and exist for history tracking only). Contact N-able support if you need to have this configured.