Managed desktops or servers


I manage my customers' computers for a flat fee of $50 per computer per month. How do I charge for that?


  1. Navigate to and select a customer from the list.
  2. Select Service Items > Add Service Item.
  3. Select Flat Fee from the Service Type list.
  4. Enter 50.00 in the Unit Price field.
  5. Enter the number of computers in the Quantity field.
  6. You can also select Use Asset Count when creating a flat fee service item to pull the device quantity directly from N-Central. This updates MSP Manager with all asset information from N-Central every night and ensures you always have an accurate count of assets tied to your flat fee service items. Click here to learn more about Flat Fee Service Items.

  7. Enter comments to display on invoices in the Service Item Description field.
  8. Select to save the Service Item.