Lock Device option not working

Last Modified

Wed Nov 30 21:44 GMT 2016


  • This article provides brief information and steps to resolve the issue when the "Lock device when the remote session ends" functionality does not work after it was set and propagated.
  • In a remote session, the server does not work after unlocking and ending it.
  • The new MSP Connect remote support function is ideal so we do not forget to lock a server after completing a remote session.


  • N-central version 10.2 or later


BASUPSrvc.ini is not updated with the option to lock the system.


This file should have the following line:


However, the value is set to 0 instead of 1 despite the UI having the checkbox enabled and saved.

For an individual device:

  • Uncheck the box in N-central, and then Save.
  • Re-check the box and Save again.

The device should get the new settings.

For multiple devices:

  • Go to Administration > Defaults.
  • Go to Remote Control defaults.
  • Select device class(es) configured to use MSP Connect.

If the checkbox for "Lock device when the remote session ends:" is checked, remove it and save, then re-check and save; if it is not checked, check the box and save to propagate to all affected devices.