Connectivity Issues due to Outdated Consoles and Agents

Last Modified

Thu Feb 14 17:58 GMT 2019


  • Sudden loss of connectivity during sessions, long delays when establishing sessions and high response times while running Console version 6.77.XX or connecting to Agents version 6.77.XX or under.


  • N-able Take Control/Take Control Plus (Standalone):
    • Console version 6.77.XX or under;
    • Agent version 6.77.XX or under.
  • Windows.


  • If the Console in use on the Technician's end is a significantly outdated version (6.77.XX or previous versions), this may cause performance issues on all connections, an update is heavily recommended:
    1. Uninstall your existing Take Control Console;
    2. Reboot your device;
    3. Go to Take Control: Downloads.
    4. Click Windows Console to download the latest version.
    5. Run the downloaded Console installer.
    6. After the install is completed, you should have the latest Console version and the reported issues should no longer occur.
  • If the Agent in use on the Client's end is a significantly outdated version (6.77.XX or previous versions), this may cause performance issues on connections to this device, an update is heavily recommended:
    1. From the Admin Area of your account, click the Downloads page from the left navigation menu.
    2. Download the Agent Installer package and send the file to your customer.
    3. Run the downloaded Agent Installer directly on the remote device and select Update the current Agent during the install process.
      • During the upgrade process, the previous Agent will cease to communicate - which may result in a temporary loss of connection to that device.
    4. After the Updater is installed, you can connect to the device without the previously observed issues.