Get Started Adding Control Panel Users

When initially getting started with SpamExperts, you will be provided with the primary Admin login credentials. This initial Admin user will be the parent to all other users created. You can add as many additional users at each level as needed. There are four user levels that you can add:

  • Admin User - Any additional Admin users are considered Sub-Admins to the primary, or to the sub-admin who created them
  • Technician Users - Technician users allow multiple logins to the same admin user
  • Domain users - These cannot be added until you have created the domain
  • Email Users - These should not be added until you have added mailboxes to the domain and are the logins for each end-user

    By adding an email user that is not already added as a mailbox, this will create the mailbox in General > Mailboxes Configuration > Mailboxes

Adding an Admin User

Admin users automatically access the Admin Level Control Panel when they log in with their Admin user credentials. From here they can also access any of the Domain Level Control Panels for any domain assigned to the Admin, or the Email Level Control Panel for any end-user at any domain assigned to the Admin.

Admin users can also use the system to view their spam and access their emails in the event their server is offline or unavailable.

To add an Admin user:

  1. In the Admin Level Control Panel, select Users & Permissions > Manage Admins

    You can add multiple users using the Upload CSV file link or add each user individually

  2. To add users individually, click on Add to open the New admin creation page
  3. Add the Username, Password and Email address for this new user
  4. Review the user's access rights, as follows:
    • Status - Set the new Admin user to:
      • Active if they require access immediately
      • Inactive if they won't
    • Allow Sub-Admins - Chose between:
      • Allow, which permits the user to create Sub-Admins under them
      • Deny, meaning the Sub-Admin cannot create additional Sub-Admins
      • Default, to which this setting will be set as per their parent Admin
    • Allow release of outgoing spam messages
      • Allow, permits the user to release outgoing spam messages, train as spam/not spam etc.
      • Deny, revokes access to this Sub-Admin to apply actions to outgoing spam messages such as releasing and training
      • Default, to which this setting will be set as per their parent Admin

      Even if enabled, this option is currently limited and is dependent on whether access is permitted to the Outgoing Spam Quarantine (by default access to the Outgoing Spam Quarantine is not allowed).

    • Allow Control Panel API usage - If ticked, allows the user to execute any of the API calls listed in the Control Panel API Calls page found in the Admin Level Control Panel > Development > Control panel API Calls page
    • Available products - Choose which products the user can access:
      • Incoming mail
      • Outgoing mail
      • Archiving
      • Private label (Branding)

      When products are made available to the Admin user, that user can then enable those products for other Sub-Admins (in all domain(s) that the admin user owns).

    • Require authentication as email user to access archived messages
      • When Active, the user will not be able to view/export archived message content unless they authenticate at Email User level and are viewing their own messages. Sub-admins cannot over-ride this
      • When Inactive, the user will be able to view/export all other user's archived message content
    • Domains limit - this specifies the maximum number of domains this Admin can add
      • Use 0 for unlimited domains
    • The limit is shared with your own limit. For example, if your license is of 20 domains, you cannot set the limit to 0 for a Sub-admin. You can set it to 20, however this means that you will be unable to add domains on your Admin account and all new added domains will be attributed to the Sub-admin account.

Adding a Technician User

Technician users allow multiple user credentials to log in as the same Admin user. For example, if you have three people who manage the same set of domains, you can create a Technician for each of them, rather than sharing the same set of Admin User credentials.

When a Technician is used to log in, the user has the same permissions as the primary Admin User account. You can see the name of the main admin in the top bar, and any actions taken by the user will be logged against the Technician for auditing purposes.

To add a Technician when logged in at the Admin level using the New UI:

  1. In the Admin Level Control Panel, select Users & Permissions > Manage Technicians
  2. Click on Add Technician
  3. On the Add Technician wizard, enter the N-able Single Sign-On (SSO) Email Address for the new user and any notes regarding this new Technician
  4. Click Save

Please note, any Technicians created are automatically added to the Admin user that is currently logged in. You cannot create a Technician for a different Admin than the one you are logged in as.

Adding a Domain User

To create a user who can access their own Domain Level Control Panel, manage their own domain specific settings and use the system to view their domain's spam and access their emails in the event their server is offline or unavailable:

  1. Log into SpamExperts
  2. In the Admin Level Control Panel, click on Users & Permissions > Manage domain users
  3. You can add multiple users using the Upload CSV file link or add each user individually

  4. To add users individually, click on Add to open the New domain user creation page
  5. Select the domain you want the user to access/manage
  6. Enter the user's Password and Email address
  7. Ensure the Status is set to Active
  8. Click Save

To access the system, the Domain user must use their domain name in the Username field and the Password entered here when logging in.

You can only create one Domain user per domain.

Adding an Email User

To add an Email user who can access their own Email Level Control Panel, perform a log search, view their incoming delivery queue and Quarantine settings and access their emails in the event the mail server is offline or unavailable:

  1. Log into SpamExperts
  2. In the Admin Level or Domain Level Control Panel, click on Users & Permissions > Manage email users
  3. You can add multiple users using the Upload CSV file link or add each user individually

  4. To add users individually, click on Add to open the New email user creation page
  5. Select the domain you want the user to access/manage
  6. Enter the local part of the Username. (The domain is already entered)
  7. Enter and confirm the Password
  8. Ensure the Status is set to Active if you want the new user's login credentials to work
  9. Click Save