Add Multiple Outgoing Users/Authentication Methods

When logged in as a Super-Admin user, you may add multiple Outgoing Users/Authenticating Methods for different domains at once by using the Outgoing > Add multiple users feature.

To add multiple users, create a Comma Separated Values (.CSV) file containing the Outgoing User/Authentication Method information and upload it to SpamExperts, using the Upload button.

Each row of the .CSV file must contain three columns.

No column headers are needed, and the user information must be in this order

  1. Username
    • For Authenticating Users, this is the username

      For Example:

      • Authenticating User: localPart1

    • For Authenticating IP's or ranges, this is the IP address or range

      For Example:

      • Authenticating IP/Range:

    • For Authenticating Domains, this column must be left blank
  2. Domain - The domain name the Outgoing User should be assigned to
  3. Password - A case sensitive password to use on a sending MTA using these user credentials

Example content that would be included in the .CSV:

user10 domain1.ext pa5Sword1 domain1.ext pAssw0rd2
  domain2.ext PassworD3