Add Time Entry to a Site Visit

To manually add a time entry to a site visit:

  1. In the Site Visit schedule open the relevant site visit.
  2. The site visit opens displaying the Location Tab. In the top left menu, tap on Time tracking:
  3. The Time tracking page is displayed with any existing time entries listed. Tap on the Add time button at the bottom of the page:
  4. The Add time page is displayed.

  5. Add a description of the time entry in the Summary field.
  6. Select the rate you want to apply from those available from the Rate applied dropdown.
  7. In the On behalf of field, enter the Staff Agent who spent the time on the ticket.
  8. Enter the Start and End dates and times.
  9. If you want to bill the customer for this time entry, select the Billable option.
  10. Tap on Save when finished.