View Site Visit Schedule

When you log in to Service Desk, the first screen displays your Site Visits schedule for the current month.

  1. If you are navigating from another area of the app, select Site Visits from the navigation menu in the header bar:
  2. The Site visits page is displayed:

  3. Pull up or down to view next/previous months.
  4. Listed site visits display the following:

    • Alongside each day, the number of visit hours for that day is displayed:
    • Date, start and end times and duration of site visit
    • Ticket number, title and description
    • Number of ticket responses - Tap to open ticket details
    • Menu with options to Reschedule site visit (change start/end date and time), Call ahead and Edit site visit.
    • Star - Tap to mark ticket as important for future filtering

Tap on a visit to view details. See View Site Visit Details.

On this page you can also: