Managing Incoming Tweets

Once you have set up your Twitter integration (see Setting up a Twitter Feed) you can view incoming Tweets from the Twitter page - and convert to a ticket if required.

  1. Click on the Twitter icon in the Navigation panel:
  2. The Twitter page is displayed with any Tweets sent to your Twitter account:

Converting a Tweet to a Ticket:

  1. Click Reply alongside the Tweet to open the Reply dialog.
  2. Enter your reply in the Reply field.
  3. Select Convert to ticket.
  4. Select the Ticket Queue in which the ticket should be placed.
  5. Assign the ticket to a Staff Agent by selecting from the Owner dropdown.
  6. Enter the ticket subject in the Subject field.
  7. Click on Tweet to close the dialog. The reply is sent and a new ticket with the entered details is generated.
  8. In the Twitter page, the Tweet now displays a Ticket ID:

  9. Click on the ID if you want to view the ticket.