Viewing Schedule Information

Designed to help you find what you are looking for quickly, the Site Visit Schedule offers several different ways to view site visit information.

  1. Click on the Schedule icon in the navigation panel:
  2. The Schedule page opens, showing the Views panel and the default 'Assigned to me' view. All site visits scheduled for the logged in user are displayed by default:
  3. Use the Views panel to select one of the following views:
    • Staff agents - Displays all existing Staff Agents. Click on one to view their schedule.
    • Assigned to me - This is the default view and displays all visits assigned to the logged in user.
    • All calendars - Displays all site visits for all Staff Agents in one calendar.
    • Scheduled tickets - Displays all scheduled tickets and allows you to edit/delete those or create a new scheduled ticket. For more information about scheduled tickets, see Creating a Scheduled Ticket
    • My saved views - Lists all custom views you have created.

    or create your own view (see Creating a New View).

  1. Choose whether you want to see the calendar in Day, Week or Month view by selecting from the options on the top right of the page.
  2. Site visits are shown with a different colour for each assigned Staff Agent (the legend displays the colour for each agent). The visit time and title is displayed.

    Tip - You can change the colour displayed for each agent. See View and Edit Agent Details.
  3. Click on a visit to view details in the Editing/Deleting a Site Visit page or, if the site visit ticket has already been created, the ticket opens up in the Tickets facility.
When you create a site visit, an accompanying ticket is also created. You can choose to create this ticket immediately or the ticket will be created automatically on the day of the site visit. See Creating a Site Visitfor more info.