Creating a Site Visit

Creating a new site visit is easy and requires the date and location as well as the visit details and which Staff Agent is assigned. When you create a site visit, not only is it displayed in the Schedule calendar, but a ticket is also created automatically (either at the time or scheduled for creation on the day of the site visit).

  1. Click on the New dropdown in your installation header and select New site visit:
  2. The New site visit page opens:

  3. Enter details as required from the following fields/options available:
  4. Field/Option Description
    Starts on Select the date and time of the scheduled visit. This will create a ticket for this site visit on the selected date.
    Create now Selecting this option will create a ticket for the site visit immediately (and will display the Ticket page as soon as you click Create site visit). If you do not select this option, the site visit ticket will only be created on the day of the site visit.
    Duration The planned duration of the visit. Accepted formats: 130m, 2h 10m or 2:10.

    Click Select address to choose from available customer contact location or asset site locations or from a history of stored addresses.

    Summary Enter a summary description of the scheduled site visit
    Details Enter site visit details
    Customer Choose the Customer
    Assigned to Assign the appropriate Staff Agent
    Ticket queue

    Choose in which queue to place this ticket

    Task templates You can associate a Task Template to a site visit (for example, an office move)
  5. Click on Create site visit. The calendar with the new site visit added is displayed.
The colour of site visits on the calendar differs for each Staff Agent.
You can also convert a ticket into a site visit. See Converting a Ticket into a Site Visit.