Creating a Custom Rate Card

  1. Go to Settings - Products and Invoicing and select Rate cards and billing. The Rate Cards tab is displayed by default and lists all existing custom rate cards:
  2. Click New to open a new Rate card page.
  3. Enter a Title and Description for this rate card and select Billable by default if you want time spent by Staff Agents on tickets to be chargeable to customers assigned this Rate Card.
  4. In the Customers field, search for and select the customers that can use this rate card when adding a time entry to a ticket.
  5. In the Rates section, add one or more rates by specifying the following:
    • Title - The title of this new rate e.g. normal business rate
    • Hourly rate - The cost per hour charged for work done using this rate
    • Minimum rate - The minimum rate applied to any work done
    • Sales Ref - If your system is integrated with QuickBooks, any service items added in QuickBooks are listed here so you can use them in Service Desk. Any costs using this rate will be referenced when the invoice is sent to QuickBooks.
    • Notes - Useful for describing this rate e.g. you could use this to note when this rate might be applied e.g. 9am - 5pm
  6. Click Add to add more rates to this card.
  7. Click Save to save the new rate card.
  8. You will now be able to use the rates on this rate card when you create a time entry in a ticket for the customer(s) listed above.