Staff Agents

The Staff settings pages allow you to:

View Agent Activity

Go to Settings - Staff - Agents and click on the Activity button alongside the agent to view the agent's Activity log.

The following information is displayed:

  • Date and time of action
  • Corresponding ticket ID
  • Action performed e.g. response added, status change etc.

View Customer Feedback

When a customer ticket is closed, an email is sent to the customer end-user who raised the ticket, informing them that the ticket has been closed. In this email there is a link allowing users to rate the service provided and leave a comment. Feedback received from customers can then be viewed from the Staff Agent's page:

Go to Settings - Staff - Agents and click on the Feedback button alongside the agent whose feedback you want to view.

The Agent feedback dialog is displayed with the comment, rating and date/time sent.

For instruction on how to activate Staff Agents imported from RMM - see Linking RMM Staff Agents and End-users to Service Desk.