Edit Profile


  1. To access your user profile, click on the dropdown at the top right of the application window and select Edit profile:
  2. The Profile page is displayed:


  3. From the following options, choose the set-up that suits you:
Option?Field Description
Name Your name
Email Your email address - this is your username for accessing the system
Password (if changing) Only enter a password here if you want to change your current password.
Avatar Browse for and select an avatar (must be under 1MB, fit with 1024x768 dimensions and be one of the following formats: png, gif, jpeg, jpg)
Signature The email signature shown on your ticket responses
Timezone The Timezone of the system
Email notification

Choose from the following:

- All notifications enabled

- Queue Specific - Only ticket notifications from a defined queue (you must select from the queues available if you choose this option)

- Tickets assigned to me

- Notifications Disabled

SMS notification If you want to be notified by SMS, select this option.
Cell / Mobile The number to be used for SMS notifications
Contact details Your address details.
You can also access your profile details from Settings - Agents and clicking on your agent.