Creating a Service Level Agreement (SLA)

You can set up a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to trigger alerts for tickets that breach specific criteria.

To create an SLA:

  1. Go to Settings - Business Rules - Service Level Agreement (SLA). The SLA page is displayed:
  2. Click on the Add SLA button at the top right of the page to open the Create SLA page:
  3. Enter the SLA Title and select from the following criteria:
  4. Option Description

    Choose from:

    • Apply to all tickets
    • Specific criteria
    When Specific criteria is selected (above), the following additional options are displayed:
    • Apply to priority - Choose which Ticket Priorities the SLA applies to. Choose from 'All priorities' or select a particular priority.
    • Apply to ticket queue - Choose from 'All ticket queues' or select one from the list.
    • Specific user - Choose from 'All users' or a particular user.
    • Specific customer - Choose from 'All customers' or select a particular customer.
    Event The ticket event or status that will trigger the breach.
    Time frame The time frame to exceed before the ticket is deemed in breach.

    The action performed when ticket criteria is breached. Choose from:

    • Raise priority to Urgent
    • Raise priority to High
    • Raise priority to Medium
    • Notify installation administrator - This option uses the Installation email address recorded in the Installation Settings page. See Installation Settings.
    • Notify custom email address
    Future tickets only Restrict SLA application to future tickets only (not tickets already raised).
  5. Once finished, click on Create SLA. The new SLA is listed in the SLA page.
Before an SLA breaches, a warning notification is sent. To configure the behaviour of this warning, see Defining SLA Warning Window.