Viewing Reminders

To view all reminders for all assets and customers:

  1. Click on Assets in the Navigation panel to open the Sites page.
  2. In the left navigation panel click on Reminders.
  3. The Reminders page is displayed listing all reminders by date created, for all assets and all customers.

    The Generated column displays the date that the reminder was or will be generated (if the asset has not yet been generated this date will be in the future).

    The Age column displays the number of days since the reminder was last generated.

    Also from this page you can:

    • Open and view the asset associated with the reminder - By clicking on the View Asset link in the Actions column.
    • Delete the reminder - By clicking on the Delete link in the Actions column.
    • Mark the reminder as completed (tick the box in the Completed column). See Marking Reminder as Completed.

You can also view Reminders created for an asset from within an asset:

  1. Click on the Assets icon in the Navigation panel to open the Sites page.
  2. Click on a customer in the left-hand panel to view all assets for that customer.
  3. Click View alongside an asset to view details.
  4. Click to open the Reminders tab - all reminders set up for that asset are listed.