Creating a Reminder

  1. Click on Assets and from the customer list in the left panel select the associated customer.
  2. All assets for that customer are then listed in the Assets page.

  3. Click the View link alongside the asset for which you want to create a reminder.
  4. The asset dialog is displayed. Any existing reminders are listed in the Reminders tab.

  5. Click on the Create warranty/renewal reminder link below the Details panel.
  6. The Create warranty renewal or reminder dialog is displayed:

  7. The following information, options and actions are available (complete as necessary):
  8. Option/Field Description
    Asset The asset name
    Create expiry on From the calendar, select the date that the expiry will occur
    Repeat every

    From the dropdown, select from:

    • Don't repeat (default)
    • Week
    • Month
    • Year
    Reminder title The title you want to give the reminder
    Generate reminder

    From the dropdown choose when you want the reminder to be generated:

    • 1 day before
    • 1 week before
    • 2 weeks before
    • 3 weeks before
    • 4 weeks before
    Reminder action email

    From the dropdown, choose the reminder recipient:

    • Email installation administrator - this is the Installation email address recorded in the Installation Settings page. See Installation Settings.
    • Email custom address - after selecting this option, the Email custom address field is displayed allowing you to enter your chosen email address.
  9. Click on Create reminder to create and return to the view asset dialog.
  10. The new reminder is now listed in the Reminders tab with all other reminders created for this asset.

    The following is an example of a generated reminder email: