Ticket Configuration

Specify the default behaviour of Service Desk tickets when created by the Remote Management & Monitoring Dashboard.

  1. Go to Settings - PSA Integration - Configure to open the Configure Service Desk dialog containing the Ticket Creation and Ticket Frequency tabs.
  2. The Ticket Creation tab is used to configure the default behaviour of tickets when created by the Remote Management & Monitoring Dashboard. Modify settings as necessary:
Option Description
Name Format

Choose from the following options:

{ClientName} {DeviceName}{CheckName} - Client, Device and Check names

{DeviceName}{CheckName} - Device and Check names

{DeviceName} - Device name

{CheckName} - Check name

Auto Create Ticket Where enabled, tickets are created automatically in Service Desk whenever a check alert or device outage is recorded.
Disable Outage Email Alerts

This option prevents the generation of email alerts when a check fails.

Disable Outage SMS Alert (Servers only) This option prevents the generation of SMS alerts (if configured) when a check fails.
Auto Close Ticket Where enabled, tickets are automatically closed in Service Desk whenever an outage is closed, for example when the check passes.
Disable Recovery Email Alerts This option prevents the generation of email alerts when a failed check subsequently passes.
Disable Outage SMS Alert (Servers only) This option prevents the generation of SMS alerts (if configured) when a failed check subsequently passes.
Close on Check Clear Where enabled Service Desk tickets created against a failing check are closed when the check is manually cleared from the Dashboard.


  1. The Ticket Frequency tab contains settings specific to 24x7 and Daily Safety Check failures as well as device outages. Select from the following settings common to all three.
  2. Ticket Setting description
    Ticket Priority The priority assigned to any ticket created by the Dashboard
    Ticket Queue The Service Desk queue any tickets generated by the Dashboard are recorded against
    Due Date Offset

    The number of days in the future to set the Due Date for any tickets created by the Dashboard

  3. Click OK to save and close the dialog.