Configure User Settings
- Select View and Manage > Users and double-click on the user you want to configure.
- Full name
- Email - the email address - this is also the username.
- Authentication Token - Generated automatically - allows you to access scan results in a browser.
- Time zone
- Roles - Select the role(s) you want to apply to the user. Use the Role Descriptions link to see what each role permits.
- Send Password Reset to User - Sends password reset email to user.
- Re-send invitation to MSP SSO - Re-sends invitation to join Risk Intelligence email to user.
- Reset Password - Enter new password (max 6 characters), and enter the new password again to confirm. Enter current password to confirm changes.
- Make any required changes and click on Update at the bottom of the page.
The following settings/options can be configured:
Send Password Reset
The current password is required for any changes to be accepted on this page.