Report Types

The following report types are available:

Security and Data Breach Reports

The Security and Data Breach Risk Reports are divided into two categories:

  • Baseline Reports - Report on the scan results from each devices' very last scan, per scan type.
  • Trend Reports - Report on the scan results from all scans in the selected time-frame (day, week or month).
  • For a breakdown of the scan types available and what each one searches for, see Scan Types.

Report Type Details

Baseline Reports

Report on the scan results from each devices' very last scan, per scan type.

Expanded Data Breach Risk

Pulls the data from the last run scan of the Expanded Data Breach Risk scan.

Data Breach Risk Pulls the data from the last run Data Breach Risk scan.
PCI Pulls the last run PCI scan data. The PCI scan combines our Security scan with some configuration checks (e.g. password history and screen-saver password-protected).
PAN Pulls PAN data (unprotected credit card details) from the last run PAN scan.
Security (Patch & Vulnerability) Pulls security patch and content vulnerability data from the last run Security scan.
Expanded Data Discovery Pulls a wide range of unprotected data from the last run Expanded Data Discovery scan.
Data Discovery Pulls unprotected credit card details, social security numbers, drivers license details, date of birth etc. scan data from the last run Data Discovery scan.

Trend Reports

Report on the scan results from all scans in the selected time frame (day, week or month).

Expanded Data Breach Risk Trend

Pulls data from Expanded Data Breach Risk scans in the selected time frame.

Data Breach Risk Trend Pulls data from Data Breach Risk scans in the selected time frame.
PAN Trend Pulls scan data from PAN scans in the selected time frame.
Security Trend (Patch & Vulnerability) Pulls security patch and content vulnerability data from Security scans in the selected time frame.
Expanded Data Discovery Trend Pulls a wide range of unprotected data from Expanded Data Discovery scansin the selected time frame.
Data Discovery Trend Pulls unprotected credit card details, social security numbers, drivers license details, date of birth etc. from Data Discovery scans in the selected time frame.

Other Reports

Report Details
LIcense Report Reports on information about the device licenses in your organization and any changes you make. For more information, see License Report - Types of License Changes Displayed.
Tip - See Scan Types for a list of scan types and data scanned for each one.