Take Control log files

Use the following Take Control (N-able) log files to troubleshoot issues with the connection.


Viewer (Technician's end) C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Take Control Viewer\Logs
Agent (Client's end) C:\ProgramData\GetSupportService_LOGICnow\Logs — Processes with privileges

C:\ProgramData\GetSupportService_Common_LOGICnow\Logs — Processes running as user

Agent Installer C:\Windows\Temp\LOGICnow_Agent_Installer.install.log


Viewer (Technician's end) Users/USER_NAME/Library/Logs/MSP Anywhere/Viewer Take Control
Agent (Client's end) /Library/Logs/MSP Anywhere Agent TakeControl — Daemon + Helper

/Users/USER_NAME/Library/Logs/MSP Anywhere Agent TakeControl — Processes running as user