Supported Languages and Character Sets


We support the following languages:

  • English (UK)
  • English (US)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

The language for the All Devices view is set globally across all users. You cannot change the language on a user-by-user basis.

Character sets

The Monitoring Agent only supports the ASCII character set.

All data gathered by the agent from the device on which it is installed is delivered to the Dashboard using the ASCII set. Any characters not in the ASCII character set will be replaced with a question mark (?) as an unknown character.

The Dashboard supports the ASCII and LATIN-1 character sets. Any characters not in the ASCII or LATIN-1 character set will be replaced with a question mark (?) as an unknown character.

The UTF-8 character set is unsupported.

Accented characters, such as 'ΓΈ', are unsupported and if used are likely to display incorrectly in the Dashboard and any reports or exported data.