Change the Agent service logon account

If the logon account, that the Advanced Monitoring Agent service runs under, does not have the necessary privileges, the Agent may not be able to upload data as scheduled to N-sight RMM or query elements requiring enhanced permissions.

An example of this is when you manually install the Agent on a server and it displays on the All Devices view with the Check results (as it is using the permissions of the account you have logged in as). However, when you log off of the computer and the Agent uses the logon account associated with the service, the server reports as offline. Logging back onto the device reveals that the Agent is active and manually re-running the Checks transfers data.

To troubleshooting, ensure the Advanced Monitoring Agent service is running under an account with full privileges and permissions, for example the administrator account.

Set the Service Log On Account

  1. Logon to the target device.
  2. Press Windows key + R.
  3. Enter services.msc (Windows Services console).
  4. Select OK.
  5. Double click Advanced Monitoring Agent.
  6. Select Log On tab.
  7. Choose This Account.
  8. Enter an administrator's credentials.
  9. Depending on the computer it may be necessary to enter the logon account in the format DOMAIN\username

  10. Select OK to save.