Windows System Tray for Service Desk

One option to make Service Desk website access simpler for Clients is to use the Windows System Tray Application so the customer can click the hyperlink entry then login to the returned Service Desk page.

Configured at the overall device type (Server or Workstation) down to the specific site via Settings, System Tray Application, Settings. For individual devices this is configured in the System Tray section of the Edit Device dialog available from the Server or Workstations drop-down (or when right-clicking on the device).

Service Desk version 1.46 introduced landing page support for the Windows System Tray Application, so when clicking on the relevant menu option the user is directed to your Service Desk Submit Ticket Page. As the information includes the unique device identifier, any tickets submitted using this option are automatically linked in Service Desk against the asset the ticket was raised from, with Take Control available (where enabled for the device).

To take advantage of this feature, a dedicated Service Desk menu option (only available where Service Desk is enabled for the account) was incorporated. Simply select Service Desk from the Type drop-down and enter the Label text. .


For more information, see Windows System Tray Application.

Please note, there is the facility to setup and user you own custom URL to access Service Desk with this configured in the ADMINISTRATION section, Administration, General Settings of Service Desk