Manage Service Desk integration settings

There are four options available for N-sight RMM in the Integrations section, accessed via the Settings button (cog) in the left menu.

Option Note
Staff This lists all current N-sight RMM users with only the user setting up the integration linked (active).
Users This lists any configured Client N-sight RMM logins.
Import Click Refresh to resync Service Desk with the All Devices view.

In addition to assets this will also retrieve any newly added or amended users.

To ensure the user information is always up-to-date, we recommend you use the Refresh option whenever a user is added or their username is changed in the All Devices view.

API Keys View the current N-sight RMM API key, to update replace the current key and click Update N-sight RMM.

Staff and users (Client)

Although all current Staff and Client N-sight RMM users are imported into Service Desk during the integration process, only the staff user setting up Service Desk is automatically linked (active).

Click the Link button to enable Service Desk access for any other imported Staff or User (Client) login and where their access is no longer required click Unlink.

To manage the Staff dialog view, for example where there are a large number of staff users, there is the option to Hide users. Enable the Show hidden checkbox then to unhide user click the Restore button.
