Creating your Queues

Setting up your queues as shown below - Admin > Ticket Queues - will help you organize tickets by where they are in the support process.

Tickets start in an input queue (column 1) and move through the columns to eventually rest in a filing queue (column 4).

The column 1 queues are automatically created - starting with "Immediate Work" in column 2, create the queues in each column as shown.

As none of these queues are meant to be customer-accessible, be sure to mark each as Only available to staff.





Input Queues

Work Queues

Processing Queues

Filing Queues

Support Requests

Immediate Work

To be Processed

Filed (Managed Services)


Available Work

Filed (Hourly Work)

Pending Work

Filed (Project Work)

Internal Work

Input Queues

Support Requests

All inbound requests start here


Tickets auto-generated from the Dashboard

Work Queues

Immediate Work

Any work that needs to be done today, such as scheduled or urgent work

Available Work

Any work that is ready to be done but does not have to be done today

Pending Work

Any work that cannot be done in the near future

Internal Work

Work done for your company, whether it be actual IT work, administrative or related to training. This queue is different from all others in that the tickets in this queue should just stay here when completed.

Processing Queues

To be Processed

Completed work to be billed and filed

An example of this process is covered in the section The Life of a Sample Support Ticket