Rerun the 24x7 and Daily Safety Checks

Occasionally it may be necessary to rerun the 24x7 or Daily Safety Checks directly from the device. When logged into the computer open a command line interface, navigate to the rmmagent folder and enter the rerun check commands.

Navigate to the rmmagent folder

# cd /usr/local/rmmagent

You must be logged on as root to run the following commands.

Linux Agent

Rerun the 24x7 Checks

# ./rmmagentd scan --247


# ./rmmagentd scan --247

Running scan now.

Rerun the Daily Safety Checks (scan --dsc)

# ./rmmagentd scan --dsc


# ./rmmagentd scan --dsc

Running scan now.

Rerun the Daily Safety Checks (scan --dsc)

# ./rmmagentd scan --dsc