Network Information
Managed network information appears in the All Devices view North-pane under the Networks tab.
Columns |
Non-selectable Columns |
Network type |
State |
Wired |
Wireless |
No problem |
Alerting |
Error |
Current status | Online, Offline, Alerting etc |
Default Column View |
Client |
Site |
Network Name |
Subnet |
Netmask |
Default Gateway |
First Seen |
Last Seen |
Additional Columns |
Wireless Network |
Discovery Agent |
Manage the North-pane columns via the Columns menu. Tick to include, untick to hide.
Note, Network type and Current status are not available in the Columns drop-down.
Use the network status selector drop-down (all, online, offline, problem) or Search Networks to filter the results in the North-pane.
The search function supports the use of partial strings and returns any matches found in Client, Site, Network Name, Subnet, Netmask, Default Gateway and Wireless Network; even where the corresponding column is not displayed in the North-pane.
Export to CSV
Output the network information from the North-pane, including any search results and column selections, via Export to CSV in the Networks drop-down.