Managed Antivirus

The following Managed Antivirus information and actions are available via the API:

API Call Service name Description
Quarantine List mav_quarantine_list List Managed Antivirus quarantined threats on the specified device
Quarantine Release mav_quarantine_release Release threats from the Managed Antivirus quarantine on the specified device
Quarantine Remove mav_quarantine_remove Delete threats from the Managed Antivirus quarantine on the specified device
Start Scan mav_scan_start Start a Managed Antivirus scan on the specified device
Pause Scan mav_scan_pause Pause a Managed Antivirus scan on the specified device
Resume Scan mav_scan_resume Resume a Managed Antivirus scan on the specified device
Scan Cancel mav_scan_cancel Cancel a Managed Antivirus scan on the specified device
Device List - Managed Antivirus mav_scan_device_list Managed Antivirus specified device list.
List Managed Antivirus Scans list_mav_scans Returns list of MAV (managed antivirus) scans for a device.
List Managed Antivirus Threats list_mav_threats Lists the most recently found occurrence of each different threat found on a device scanned with Managed Antivirus (MAV).
List Managed Antivirus Quarantine list_mav_quarantine Lists the contents of Managed Antivirus (MAV) quarantine.
Update Definitions File - Bitdefender Engine mav_definitions_update Update Managed Antivirus: Bitdefender Engine definitions on the specified device.

API Call Frequency — Each API call uses system resources when querying and returning data. To avoid performance issues, do not send automated API calls using a frequency less than 90 seconds. We may contact you if we detect API activity that negatively impacts system performance.

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