Listing Failing Checks

Use this API Call to query our Data Extraction API to extract data gathered by N-sight RMM.This section shows the service name and parameters needed in the API Call query, and provides examples of some queries and system responses. For more information, see Data Extraction API.

Service name: list_failing_checks




List all failing checks across all clients.

Post Variable Description Type Required Options Default
describe Returns a description of the service. boolean no true 0
clientid Lists all failing checks for the specified Client. integer no 0 0

Optional parameter to limit the returned information to:

  • checks - all failed checks excluding failed Windows Automated Tasks (check type id: 1023)

  • tasks - only display Windows Automated Task (check type id: 1023) failures

  • random - returns all failed checks

string no





We have included variables to reduce the volume of data handled by the API call and minimize the potential for timeout issues.

Where your account contains a large number of customers, we suggest using the per-Client clientid variable to retrieve the data related to a specific customer.


To limit the returned information to failed checks or tasks use the check_type variable. This can be set to all failures, only checks or Windows Automated Tasks (check type id: 1023) failures.


You can also combined both parameters in the one call:


Example Service Call - list_failing_checks


Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
<result created="2009-09-24T12:28:44+01:00" host="SERVER" status="OK">
     <name>My Client</name>
      <name>My Site</name>
         <name>My Workstation</name>
          [if device is offline]
           <description>offline - maintenance mode</description>

             <description>Windows Service Check - Fax</description>
             <formatted_output>Status: STOPPED</formatted_output>
           ... more check nodes
        .... more nodes
         <name>My Workstation</name>
          [if device is offline]
           <description>offline - maintenance mode</description>
         [if device is overdue]
         [if device is unreachable]
           <description>Site Unreachable</description>
             <description>Backup Check - Veritas Backup Exec v10.0</description>
             <formatted_output>Backup status can not be determined</formatted_output>
           ... more check nodes
         ... more server node if any
     ..... more site nodes
    ..... more client nodes
Example Service Call - list_failing_checks&clientid


Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
<result created="2009-09-24T12:28:44+01:00" host="SERVER" status="OK">
     <name>My Client</name>
      <name>My Site</name>
         <name>My Workstation</name>
          [if device is offline]
           <description>offline - maintenance mode</description>

             <description>Windows Service Check - Fax</description>
             <formatted_output>Status: STOPPED</formatted_output>
           ... more check nodes
        .... more nodes
         <name>My Workstation</name>
          [if device is offline]
           <description>offline - maintenance mode</description>
         [if device is overdue]
         [if device is unreachable]
           <description>Site Unreachable</description>
             <description>Backup Check - Veritas Backup Exec v10.0</description>
             <formatted_output>Backup status can not be determined</formatted_output>
           ... more check nodes
         ... more server node if any
     ..... more site nodes
Example Service Call - list_failing_checks&check_type
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
<result created="2009-09-24T12:28:44+01:00" host="SERVER" status="OK">
     <name>My Client</name>
      <name>My Site</name>
         <name>My Workstation</name>
          [if device is offline]
           <description>offline - maintenance mode</description>

             <description>Windows Service Check - Fax</description>
             <formatted_output>Status: STOPPED</formatted_output>
           ... more check nodes
        .... more nodes
         <name>My Workstation</name>
          [if device is offline]
           <description>offline - maintenance mode</description>
         [if device is overdue]
         [if device is unreachable]
           <description>Site Unreachable</description>
             <description>Backup Check - Veritas Backup Exec v10.0</description>
             <formatted_output>Backup status can not be determined</formatted_output>
           ... more check nodes
         ... more server node if any
     ..... more site nodes
Fields Description
Field Type Can Be Empty Description
client/clientid integer no Unique identifier of client
client/name string no Name of the client
client/site/siteid integer no Unique identifier of site
client/site/name string no Name of site
client/site/workstations/workstation/id integer no Unique identifier of workstation
client/site/workstations/workstation/name string no Name of workstation
client/site/workstations/workstation/check/checkid integer no Unique identifier of a check
client/site/workstations/workstation/check/check_type integer no The type of check (see below section check_type)
client/site/workstations/workstation/check/dsc_247 integer no Is the check a Daily Safety Check, 24x7 Check, Scheduled Task or special case?
1 24x7 check
2 Daily Safety Check
3 Scheduled Task
4 Managed Antivirus Check
6 Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check
client/site/workstations/workstation/check/description string no Check description
client/site/workstations/workstation/check/date date no Date of the last fail
client/site/workstations/workstation/check/time time no Time of the last fail
client/site/workstations/workstation/check/formatted_output string no Description of the problem
client/site/workstations/workstation/check/checkstatus string no Current Status of the Check
StateDashboard Equivalent
testok green tick
testerror red tick
testalertdelayed yellow tick
testcleared orange tick
test_inactive clear circle
testok_inactive clear tick
testerror_inactive clear cross
client/site/workstations/workstation/offline/description string no Description of offline status
client/site/workstations/workstation/offline/startdate date no Date since it is offline
client/site/workstations/workstation/offline/starttime time no Time since it is offline
client/site/servers/server/id integer no Unique identifier of server
client/site/servers/server/name string no Name of server
client/site/servers/server/offline/description string no Description of offline status
client/site/servers/server/offline/startdate date no Date since it is offline
client/site/servers/server/offline/starttime time no Time since it is offline
client/site/servers/server/overdue/description string no Description of overdue status
client/site/servers/server/overdue/startdate date no Date since it is overdue
client/site/servers/server/overdue/starttime time no Time since it is overdue
client/site/servers/server/unreachable/description string no Description of unreachable status
client/site/servers/server/unreachable/startdate date no Date since it is unreachable
client/site/servers/server/unreachable/starttime time no Time since it is unreachable
client/site/servers/server/check/checkid integer no Unique identifier of a check
client/site/servers/server/check/check_type integer no The type of check (see below section check_type)
client/site/servers/server/check/dsc_247 integer no Is the check a Daily Safety Check, 24x7 Check, Scheduled Task or special case?
Indicator Check
1 24x7 check
2 Daily Safety Check
3 Scheduled Task
4 Managed Antivirus Check
6 Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check
client/site/servers/server/check/description string no Check description
client/site/servers/server/check/date date no Date of the last fail
client/site/servers/server/check/time time no Time of the last fail
client/site/servers/server/check/startdate date no Date when check started failing
client/site/servers/server/check/starttime time no Time when check started failing
client/site/servers/server/check/formatted_output string no Description of the problem
client/site/servers/server/check/checkstatus string no Current Status of the Check
State Dashboard Equivalent
testok green tick
testerror red tick
testalertdelayed yellow tick
testcleared orange tick
test_inactive clear circle
testok_inactive clear tick
testerror_inactive clear cross
check_type integer no The type of check:
1001 Antivirus Update Check
1002 Backup Check    
1003 Drive Space Change Check  
1004 Disk Space Check
1005 Exchange Store Size  
1006 Failed Login Check    
1007 Performance Monitoring Check
1008 Physical Disk Health Check
1009 Physical Memory Health Check - Deprecated
1010 PING Check    
1011 TCP Service Check  
1012 Web Page Check  
1013 Windows Service Check  
1014 Critical Events Check
1015 SNMP Check
1018 Bandwidth Monitoring
1019 File Size Check
1020 Event Log Check
1021 WSUS Check
1022 Auto-Start Service Check
1023 Script or Automated Task
1024 Script Check
1025 Patch Status Check (Vulnerability Check)
1026 Managed Antivirus Check (VIPRE) (VIPRE retired from N-sight RMM)
1030 Backup & Recovery Selected Size Check
1033 Web Protection Bandwidth Check
1034 Managed Antivirus Check (Bitdefender)
2001 Antivirus Update Check
2002 Backup Check
2003 File System Space Change Check
2004 File System Space Check
2005 MTA Queue Length
2006 Failed Login Check
2007 Performance Monitoring Check
2008 Physical Disk Health
2009 Physical Memory Health Check
2010 PING Check
2011 TCP Service Check
2012 Web Page Check
2013 Daemon Check
2015 SNMP Check
2018 Bandwidth Monitoring Check
2023Script or Automated Task
2024 Script Check
2027 Process Check
2028 Log File Check
2029 MySQL Check
2031 Package Manager Check
3003 File System Space Change Check
3004 File System Space Check
3006 Failed Login Check


Performance Monitoring Check

3008 Physical Disk Health Check
3011TCP Service Check
3012Web Page Check
3013 OSX Daemon Check
3014 Apple system Log Check
3021 OSX Update Check
3023Script or Automated Task
3024 Script Check
3027 Process Check
3028 Log File Check
3034Managed Antivirus Check (Bitdefender)
3035Managed Antivirus Update Check (Bitdefender)
Example Associated Service Calls
Parameter Call URL Format
ClientID list_clients https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=list_clients