Kaspersky Security integration

Kaspersky Security's Integration with N-sight RMM allows administrators to automate several routine operations, benefiting from the All Devices view's native automated deployment tool and its single pane of glass view of crucial information.

Use Kaspersky Security's N-sight RMM  integration to perform the following operations:

  • Deploy Kaspersky security applications on managed devices that do not currently have Kaspersky installed
  • Retrieve device information, including the Kaspersky application name, version number, and device status
  • View the date of the device's last antivirus database update and virus scan.
  • Achieve these through Automated Task rules:
    • Deploy the Kaspersky security application on all new All Devices view devices that do not currently have Kaspersky installed
    • Determine the date of device's last antivirus database and automatically update the database when this is outside of the entered time threshold

    • Check the date of the last virus scan and where this exceeds the configured time threshold automatically run a virus scan

When investigating a problem device in the Kaspersky Security Center or Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud console, simply search for the same device name as the  All Devices view.

For information on this integration please refer to Kaspersky's Security Integration with RMM documentation.

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