Initiate a Take Control (N-able) Connection from the mobile app

You can start a Take Control (N-able) session using the MSP Manager app if you select a device where Take Control (N-able) is enabled.

Connections to the remote device require the Android or iOS N-sight RMM Take Control app. If it is not installed on the device and you try to initiate a Take Control session, you are directed to the N-sight RMM Take Control entry in the relevant app store.

To initiate a Take Control (N-able) Connection from the customer list:

  1. Go to Customers and select the target Customer
  2. Go to Assets and select the target Asset
  3. If Take Control (N-able) is enabled, you have the option to Remote control into this asset

To initiate a Take Control (N-able) Connection from a ticket:

  1. Go to the target ticket
  2. Scroll down to Assets and select the target Asset
  3. If Take Control (N-able) is enabled you have the option to Remote control into this asset