Get Site Installation Package

Use this API Call to query our Data Extraction API to extract data gathered by N-sight RMM.This section shows the service name and parameters needed in the API Call query, and provides examples of some queries and system responses. For more information, see Data Extraction API.

This topic details API to get the Site Installation package. For manual download from the N-sight RMM UI, see:
Service name: get_site_installation_package






Creates a Site Installation Package based on the specified installer type. Where successful a package is created and downloaded.

By default this package is based on the latest General Availability Agent unless the beta=true parameter is used. In this case the Site Installation Package contains the current Release Candidate Agent.

Support for Mac and Linux Site Installation Packages was introduced in Dashboard v2020.05.21. To maintain previously configured API calls, the Site Installation Package defaults to Windows where an os parameter is not provided.

Post Variable Description Type Required Options Default
endcustomerid Unique identifier of client Note: endcustomerid = clientid from list_clients integer yes 0 0
siteid Site ID integer yes 0 0
mode Mode string no authenticate
proxyenabled Proxy enabled (deprecated) boolean no 0 0
proxyhost Proxy Host (deprecated) string no 0 0
proxyport Proxy Port (deprecated) integer no 0 0
proxyusername Proxy Username (deprecated) string no 0 0
proxypassword Proxy Password (deprecated) string no 0 0
describe Returns a description of the service. boolean no true 0
os Operating System to download the package for:
windows, mac or linux.
string yes windows
type Type of installer to download:
remote_worker (Windows, Mac, Linux) or group_policy (Windows only).
string yes remote_worker
beta Download the current beta (RC) Agent version if set to true. boolean no true

Example Service Call =get_site_installation_package


Example Response: Success
<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<result created="2015-07-22T10:58:38+01:00" host="SERVER" status="FAIL">
Example Response: Failure
<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<result created="2015-07-22T10:58:38+01:00" host="SERVER" status="FAIL">
		<message>Invalid value for parameter: PARAMETER</message>


Field Descriptions

No xml returned on success, file returned on success


Example Associated Service Calls
Parameter Call URL Format
SiteID list_sites https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=list_sites&clientid=CLIENTID
EndcustomerID list_clients https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=list_clients