Add multiple iOS mobile devices

You can add multiple devices to N-sight RMM at the same time using a CSV file that you create and upload directly to N-sight RMM for bulk invites rather than enter the details individually.

Add multiple iOS mobile devices to N-sight RMM

  1. On the N-sight RMM Dashboard North-pane and select Mobile Devices.
  2. Select Add Mobile Device.
  3. Go to the Multiple Devices tab and click Browse CSV.

  4. Go to you CSV file and select it.
  5. Click OK to upload the file.

    An error message displays if the file is not valid.

    When the file is successfully uploaded, the file displays with any problem elements highlighted.

  6. If there are highlighted problems, hover over each red cross to see the error message. You must resolve all errors before the CSV file can be processed.
  7. If you fixed errors in the CSV file, you must upload it again.
  8. When you successfully upload the CSV with no problems, click OK to accept the details.

The mobile devices are added and an enrollment request is sent to the device holders. The enrollment request can be a Mobile Device Provisioning email or text that contains the information to register.

CSV file

Each CSV file can contain information for five hundred devices and must be in the following format:

client_name,site_name,device_name,first_name,last_name,email_address,phone_number, send_sms(0/1),byod(0/1)

  • client_name and site_name must match the corresponding entries in the Dashboard
  • only one occurrence of a device_name is permitted per site
  • send_sms and byod fields can be either (0) for no or (1) for yes
  • phone_number is optional so you can leave it blank. For example,,,0,1

You must save the CSV file as UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 (ISO Latin-1).

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Updated: Mar 28, 2024