Accessing PSA Tickets from N-sight RMM - Original Integration

The PSA Ticket information is available on the All Devices view within the Outages Tab as well as the More Information section of the check.

The Outages tab provides detailed information on all outages reported on a device including its Description, Start and Finish times, the Duration (where closed) and Cause of failure. Where PSA Integration has been configured a link to the PSA Ticket as well as its current status is also displayed.

To make management easier Outages are grouped into current Open Outages and a historical list of all Closed Outages.


The Current Outage is also available by double-clicking on the check under the Checks tab to display the More InformationÂ… dialog containing the Check Info in addition to the Current Outage with PSA ticket details (where available) and Outage History for the check.

