Get PowerCLI Version

This Automation Manager object returns the version information of VMware.PowerCLI installed on the computer running Automation Manager.

Install VMware.PowerCLI

Before using this VMware Automation Manager Object, you must install the PowerShell module VMware.PowerCLI.

This VMware Automation Object runs on 64-bit PowerShell, and the module must also be added to 64-bit PowerShell.

Requires PowerShell 5.0

Before using this VMware Automation Manager Object, you must install PowerShell 5.0.

Input Parameters


Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Major Version Number The major version of the PowerCLI client.

For example, 11.3.0, build 222, the major version is “11”.
Minor Version Number The minor version of the PowerCLI client.

For example, 11.3.0, build 222, the minor version is “3”.
Build Number Number The build number of the PowerCLI client.

For example, 11.3.0, build 222, the build number is “222”.
Revision Number Number The revision number of the PowerCLI client.

For example, 11.3.0, build 222, the revision number is “0”.
User Friendly Version Name String The full name of the PowerCLI version.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.
Result String String Object execution error details.

Example Input Parameters

No input parameters required.