Open Session

This Automation Manager object establishes a Telnet connection to a target device.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Server Name or IP String Yes The name or IP address of the target device to which a Telnet session will be established.
User Name String Yes The user name to be used to establish the session.
Password String Yes The security password to be used to establish the session.
Port String Yes The port to connect to for the Telnet session.
Authentication Selector Yes The type of authentication to be used from either User Name and Password, Password Only, or No Authentication.
Login Prompt String Yes The prompt to be displayed for the user name.
Password Prompt String Yes The prompt to be displayed for the security password.
Server Prompt String Yes The prompt to be displayed for receiving Telnet commands.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Server Name or IP String Yes
User Name String Yes Admin
Password String Yes <link to start parameter>
Port String Yes 23
Authentication Selector Yes UserName and Password
Login Prompt String Yes Login
Password Prompt String Yes Prompt
Server Prompt String Yes >