Windows Installer

This Automation Manager object is used in a policy to perform a software installation from an MSI package.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description Example
Msi Path String Yes The full path of the MSI installer package. C:\folder1\MyInstaller.msi
Log File String No The full path of the MSI log file to save. C:\logfolder1\MyLog.log
Arguments String No

Command line arguments for the msiexec command. Do not use the following since they are controlled by the Action Type, Mode, and Restart parameters:

  • /quiet
  • /passive
  • /uninstall
  • /norestart
  • /forcerestart
Action Type String Yes

Select value Install to install or Uninstall to uninstall the application.

Uninstall adds /uninstall to the command line.

Mode String Yes

Select either Quiet Mode or Unattended Mode for quiet or unattended install.

This will add /quiet or /passive to the command-line argument.

Restart String Yes

Select either Force Restart or No Restart to control restart after installation.

This will add either /forcerestart or /norestart to the command-line argument.


Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.
Result String String Details of any execution errors with this Object.

Example Input Parameters

Name Example
Msi Path C:\folder1\MyInstaller.msi
Log File C:\logfolder1\MyLog.log
Arguments /quiet