Execute SQL Query

This Automation Manager object will run an SQL query on the device.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Use Local Boolean Yes Determines if a local instance of SQL server is to be used.
Server String No Name of the server, this should be blank for the local server.
Database String Yes The name of SQL instance, use (local) for local unnamed instance.
Type String No TCP or Named Pipes.
Pipe String No  
Use SQL Authentication Boolean No Determines whether or not to use SQL Authentication rather than Windows authentication.
User Name String No Used for SQL Authentication, not required for windows credentials.
Password String No The password for SQL Authentication, not used for windows credentials.
SQL Query String Yes The SQL query to run on the specified database.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Use Local Boolean Yes Select this option to connect to the local server.
Server String No <intentionally left blank>
Database String Yes SQLdev
Type String No TCP
Pipe String No <intentionally left blank>
Use SQL Authentication Boolean No Select this option to use SQL authentication.
User Name String No <intentionally left blank>
Password String No <intentionally left blank>
SQL Query String Yes SELECT Company, Country FROM Customers WHERE Country <> 'USA'
Output Delimiter String Yes Comma