Add User To Site

This Automation Manager object adds a new SharePoint user account to a SharePoint site.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Site URL String Yes The address of the SharePoint site to which the new user account will be added.
User Alias String Yes The name of the account to be created.
Display Name String Yes The full name of the user for whom the account is created.
Email String Yes The email address of the user account.
Group Name String Yes The SharePoint group to which the new account belongs.
Name String Yes The name of the SharePoint Administrator account to be used to create the new user account.
Password String Yes The security password of the SharePoint Administrator account to be used to create the new user account.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Site URL String Yes http://sitename/
User Alias String Yes Contoso\Jdow
Display Name String Yes Jane Dow
Email String Yes
Group Name String Yes Contributor
Name String Yes WIN-2008R2x64\administrator
Password String Yes <link to start parameter>