Modify User

This Automation Manager object modifies the Office 365 user.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Office 365 User Name String Yes User name used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Office 365 Password Password Yes Password used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
New Email Address String Yes New email address of user account.
New Password String No New password of user.
New First Name String No New first Name of user.
New Last Name String No New last name of user.
New Title String No New title of user.
New Department String No New department of user.
New Office String No New office of user.
New Street Address String No New street address of user.
New Postal Code String No New postal Code of user.
New State String no New state of new user.
Phone Number String No Phone Number of user.
New Mobile Phone Number String No New mobile phone number of user.
New Fax Number String No New fax number of user.
Password Will Never Expire Boolean Yes Configure user account password to expire or not expire.
String Password Required Boolean Yes Whether the user account requires a string password or not.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result String String Object Execution Error Details
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Office 365 User Name String Yes
Office 365 Password Password Yes <link to start parameter>
New User Email Address String Yes
New User Password String Yes <link to start parameter>
New First Name String False Jon
New Last Name String False Smith
New Title String False Captain
New Department String False Cafeteria
New Office String False 2nd Floor
New Street Address String False 123 Fake St.
New Postal Code String False



New State String False ON
New Country String False Canada
New Phone Number String False 123 456 7890
New Mobile Phone Number String False 098 765 4321
New Fax String False 101 112 1314
Force Password Change at Next Login Boolean True Optionally, you can force the user to change password at next logon.
Password Will Never Expire Boolean True Optionally, you can set the user password to never expire.
Is a Strong Password Required Boolean True Optionally, you can require the user to use a strong password.