Get Mailbox Information

This Automation Manager object queries information for the specified mailbox.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
User Name String Yes User name used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Password Password Yes Password used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Mailbox Email Address String Yes Query if user assigned to specified email address is deleted.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Database String Name of database containing mailbox.
Use Database Retention Defaults Boolean Whether the mailbox is using default retention settings assigned to entire database or not.
Litigation Hold Enabled Boolean Whether the mailbox has litigation hold enabled or not.
Litigation Hold Date Date Date of litigation hold for mailbox.
Litigation Hold Owner String Owner of litigation hold for mailbox.
Litigation Hold Duration String The duration of the assigned litigation hold for mailbox.
Exchange GUID String GUID of mailbox.
Is Mailbox Enabled Boolean Whether the mailbox is enabled or not.
Prohibit Send Quota String The assigned mailbox size quota that must reached from prohibiting sending mail.
Prohibit Send Receive Quota String The assigned mailbox size quota that must reached from prohibiting sending and receiving mail.
Recoverable Items Quota String The quota of the Recoverable Items\Deletions folder of mailbox in GBs.
Recoverable Items Warning Quota String The configured warning threshold of the Recoverable Items\Deletions folder of mailbox in GBs.
Calendar Logging Quota String The quota assigned to the mailbox calendar.
Is Resource Boolean Whether the mailbox is assigned as a resource or not.
Is Linked Boolean Whether the mailbox is linked or not.
Is Shared Boolean Whether the mailbox is a shared mailbox or not.
SAM Account Name String The SAM account name of the mailbox.
Server Name String The Exchange server name hosting mailbox.
Use Database Quota Defaults Boolean Whether the mailbox is using quota defaults assigned to database or not.
Issue Warning Quota String Mailbox size in GBs that must be reached before quota warning message is sent.
Rules Quota String Rule Quota assigned to mailbox.
User Principal Name String Principal name of mailbox.
Windows Live ID String Windows Live ID assigned to mailbox.
Microsoft Online Services ID String Microsoft online services ID assigned to mailbox.
Is Person to Person Text Messaging Enabled Boolean Whether the mailbox has Is Person to Person Text Messaging enabled or not.
Is Machine to Person Text Messaging Enabled Boolean Whether the mailbox has Is Machine to Person Text Messaging enabled or not.
SKU Assigned String SKU assigned to mailbox.
When Mailbox Created Date Date and Time the mailbox was created.
Has Picture Boolean If the mailbox has a profile picture attached.
Has Spoken Name Boolean If the mailbox has a profile spoken name attached (accessibility option).
Address List Membership String Name of the address list is a part of.
Alias String Alias for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 1 String Custom Attribute 1 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 2 String Custom Attribute 2 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 3 String Custom Attribute 3 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 4 String Custom Attribute 4 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 5 String Custom Attribute 5 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 6 String Custom Attribute 6 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 7 String Custom Attribute 7 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 8 String Custom Attribute 8 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 9 String Custom Attribute 9 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 10 String Custom Attribute 10 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 11 String Custom Attribute 11 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 12 String Custom Attribute 12 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 13 String Custom Attribute 13 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 14 String Custom Attribute 14 field for mailbox.
Custom Attribute 15 String Custom Attribute 15 field for mailbox.
Display Name String The display name of the mailbox.
Email Address String Email address assigned to mailbox.
Grant Send On Behalf To String User that has privilege to send on behalf of mailbox.
External Directory Object ID String This is a ID used by Microsoft for the global directory. Unused in most cases.
Hidden From Address List Boolean Mailbox is hidden from address list or not.
Max Send Size String The maximum size of a message that can be send from the mailbox.
Max Receive Size String The maximum size of a message that can be received by the mailbox.
Moderated By String User that is assigned as the moderator of the mailbox.
Moderation Enabled Boolean Mailbox is assigned a moderator or not.
Primary SMTP Address String The primary SMTP address assigned to the mailbox.
Recipient Type String Type of recipient.
Recipient Type Details String Further details about the type of recipient.
Reject Messages From String List of people from whom messages are rejected.
Reject Messages from DL members String Rejects messages from everyone in those distribution lists (DL).
Reject Message from Senders or Members String Reject messages from a specific sender or group members.
Require Sender Authentication Enabled Boolean Requires authentication to be enabled true/false.
Simple Display Name String The simple display name of the mailbox.
Send Moderation Notifications String An enumeration value that indicates whether status notifications are sent to users when they send a message to the moderated recipient.
Windows Email Address String The Windows email address assigned to the mailbox.
Identity String The identity of the mailbox.
Is Valid Boolean Whether the mailbox is valid or not.
Exchange Version String The version of the Exchange server hosting the mailbox.
Name String Name of the mailbox.
Distinguished Name String The distinguished name of the mailbox.
GUID String GUID of mailbox.
When Changed String Date of last change made to mailbox.
When Created String Date of mailbox creation.
Result String String Object execution error details.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
User Name String Yes
Password Password Yes <link to start parameter>
Email Address String Yes