Modify VM Hard Disk

This Automation Manager object configures a virtual hard disk.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Virtual Machine Name String Yes Specifies the name of the virtual machine on which the virtual hard drive is to be configured.
Current Controller Type Dropdown Yes Specifies the type of the controller to which the virtual hard drive to be configured is attached.
Current IDE Controller Number String Yes Specifies the number of the controller to which the virtual hard drive to be configured is attached.
Current IDE Controller Location String Yes Specifies the number of the location on the controller to which the virtual hard drive to be configured is attached.
New Controller Type String Yes Specifies the new type of the controller to which the virtual hard drive to be configured.
New IDE Controller Number Number Yes Specifies the new number of the controller to which the virtual hard drive to be configured is attached.
New IDE Controller Location String Yes Specifies the new number of the location on the controller to which the virtual hard drive to be configured is attached.
VHD File Path String Yes Specifies file path for new VHD
Disk Number String Yes Specifies the disk number of the offline physical hard drive that should be connected as a passthrough disk.
Resource Pool Name String Yes Specifies the name of the virtual hard disk resource pool to which this drive belongs.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Virtual Machine Name String Yes Guest001
Current Controller Type Dropdown No IDE
Current IDE Controller Number String No 1
Current IDE Controller Location String No
New Controller Type String No
New IDE Controller Number Number No 1
New IDE Controller Location String No 1
VHD File Path String No .\Test.vhd
Disk Number String Yes
Resource Pool Name String No Main Pool