DVD Get DVD Drive Information

This Automation Manager object gets the DVD drives attached to a virtual machine or snapshot.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
VM Name String Yes Specifies the virtual machine from which the DVD drives are to be retrieved.
Controller Number Number No Specifies the number of the controller from which the DVD drives are to be retrieved.
Controller Location Number Yes Specifies the number of the location on the controller from which the DVD drives are to be retrieved.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
DVD List Array Array containing DVD Drive information.
DVD Media Type String Type of media (ISO, etc).
Path String Path Of the ISO if applicable, otherwise empty.
Controller Type String 1 or 0.
Name String Name of the drive.
Pool Name String Resource pool name.
Computer Name String Host name.
ID String Drive ID.
VM ID String GUID of the VM.
VM Name String Name of the VM.
VM Snapshot ID String Current snapshot iD of the vm (GUId).
VM Snapshot Name String Current snapshot name of the VM.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Controller Number Number No 1
Controller Location Number No 1
VM Name String Yes Guest001