Modify VM

This Automation Manager object configures a virtual machine.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
VM Name String Yes Specifies the name of the virtual machine to be configured.
New VM Name String No Specifies the name to which the virtual machine is to be renamed.
Automatic Start Action Selector No Specifies the action the virtual machine is to take upon start.
Automatic Stop Action Selector No Specifies the action the virtual machine is to take when the virtual machine host shuts down.
Automatic Start Delay Number No Specifies the number of seconds by which the virtual machine’s start should be delayed.
Memory Type Selector No Specifies that the virtual machine is to be configured to use dynamic memory or static memory.
Max Memory (MB) Number No Specifies the maximum amount of memory that the virtual machine is to be allocated (applies only to virtual machines using dynamic memory).
Min Memory (MB) Number No Specifies the minimum amount of memory that the virtual machine is to be allocated (applies only to virtual machines using dynamic memory).
Notes String No Specifies notes to be associated with the virtual machine.
Processor Count Number No Specifies the number of virtual processors for the virtual machine.
Snapshot File Location String No Specifies the folder in which the virtual machine is to store its snapshot files.
Smart Paging File Path String No Specifies the folder in which the Smart Paging file is to be stored.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
VM Name String Yes Guest001
New VM Name String No NewGuest001
Automatic Start Action Selector No Start
Automatic Stop Action Selector No Turn Off
Automatic Start Delay Number No 30
Memory Type Selector No Dynamic
Max Memory (MB) Number No 10000
Min Memory (MB) Number No 1000
Notes String No Vm used for Exchange
Processor Count Number No 1
Snapshot File Location String No C:\snap
Smart Paging File Path String No C:\spfpath