Set VHD Properties

This Automation Manager object sets properties of a VHD.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
VHD File Path String Yes Specifies the path to the virtual hard disk file of the virtual hard disk drive whose parent in the virtual hard disk chain is to be set.
Parent File Path String No Specifies the path to the parent disk of a differencing virtual hard disk. Can be performed regardless of whether the disk is online or offline.
Ignore ID Mismatch Boolean No Specifies that the check for identifier mismatch between the parent and child virtual hard disk is to be skipped.
Leaf File Path String No Specifies the path to the virtual hard disk file of the virtual hard disk representing the leaf node of the virtual hard disk chain. Required when performing the operation in online mode.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
VHD File Path String Yes c:\test\testvhdx.vhdx
Parent File Path String No C:\test\ParentCopy.vhd
Ignore ID Mismatch Boolean No Optionally ignore ID mismatch
Leaf File Path String No C:\Child2.vhd