Modify Host Information

This Automation Manager object configures a Hyper-V host.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Fibre Channel Wwnn String Yes Default value of the World Wide Node Name on the Hyper-V host.
Fibre Channel Wwpn Maximum String Yes Maximum value that can be used to generate World Wide Port Names on the Hyper-V host. Use with FibreChannelWwpnMinimum to establish a range of WWPNs that the specified Hyper-V host can assign to virtual Fibre Channel adapters.
Fibre Channel Wwpn Minimum String Yes Minimum value that can be used to generate the World Wide Port Names on the Hyper-V host. Use with FibreChannelWwpnMaximum to establish a range of WWPNs that the specified Hyper-V host can assign to virtual Fibre Channel adapters.
MAC Address Maximum String Yes Maximum MAC address using a valid hexadecimal value. Use with MacAddressMinimum to establish a range of MAC addresses that the specified Hyper-V host can assign to virtual machines configured to receive dynamic MAC addresses.
MAC Address Minimum String Yes Minimum MAC address using a valid hexadecimal value. Use with MacAddressMaximum to establish a range of MAC addresses that the specified Hyper-V host can assign to virtual machines configured to receive dynamic MAC addresses.
Maximum Storage Migrations Number Yes Maximum number of storage migrations that can be performed at the same time on the Hyper-V host.
Maximum Virtual Machine Migrations Number Yes Maximum number of live migrations that can be performed at the same time on the Hyper-V host.
NUMA Spanning Enabled Boolean Yes Can virtual machines on the Hyper-V host can use resources from more than one NUMA node.
Resource Metering Save Interval String Yes

How often the Hyper-V host saves the data that tracks resource usage. The range is 1 hour to 24 hours. Time within that range can be specified using a format of hh:mm:ss.

You also can use a Timespan object to specify the interval.

Use any Network for Migration Boolean Yes Specifies how networks are selected for incoming live migration traffic. If set to $TRUE, any available network on the host can be used for this traffic. If set to $FALSE, incoming live migration traffic is transmitted only on the networks specified in the MigrationNetworks property of the host. The Get-VMMigrationNetwork returns the list of networks that can be used for migration traffic.
Virtual HardDisk Path String Yes Specifies the default folder to store virtual machine configuration files on the Hyper-V host.
Virtual Machine Migration Authentication Type Dropdown Yes Specifies the type of authentication to be used for live migrations. Allowed values are Kerberos or CredSSP.
Virtual Machine Path Default String Yes Specifies the default folder to store virtual machine configuration files on the Hyper-V host.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Fibre Channel Wwnn String No C003FF0000FFFF00
Fibre Channel Wwpn Maximum String No C003FF661D200000
Fibre Channel Wwpn Minimum String No C003FF661D200000
MAC Address Maximum String No
MAC Address Minimum String No
Maximum Storage Migrations String No 10
Maximum Virtual Machine Migrations String No 10
NUMA Spanning Enabled Boolean No False
Resource Metering Save Interval String No
Use Any Network for Migration Boolean No False
Virtual HardDisk Path Default String No C:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks
Virtual Machine Migration Authentication Type Dropdown No Kerberos
Virtual Machine Path Default String No C:\Hyper-V\Configuration Files