Modify Host Information
This Automation Manager object configures a Hyper-V host.
Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Fibre Channel Wwnn | String | Yes | Default value of the World Wide Node Name on the Hyper-V host. |
Fibre Channel Wwpn Maximum | String | Yes | Maximum value that can be used to generate World Wide Port Names on the Hyper-V host. Use with FibreChannelWwpnMinimum to establish a range of WWPNs that the specified Hyper-V host can assign to virtual Fibre Channel adapters. |
Fibre Channel Wwpn Minimum | String | Yes | Minimum value that can be used to generate the World Wide Port Names on the Hyper-V host. Use with FibreChannelWwpnMaximum to establish a range of WWPNs that the specified Hyper-V host can assign to virtual Fibre Channel adapters. |
MAC Address Maximum | String | Yes | Maximum MAC address using a valid hexadecimal value. Use with MacAddressMinimum to establish a range of MAC addresses that the specified Hyper-V host can assign to virtual machines configured to receive dynamic MAC addresses. |
MAC Address Minimum | String | Yes | Minimum MAC address using a valid hexadecimal value. Use with MacAddressMaximum to establish a range of MAC addresses that the specified Hyper-V host can assign to virtual machines configured to receive dynamic MAC addresses. |
Maximum Storage Migrations | Number | Yes | Maximum number of storage migrations that can be performed at the same time on the Hyper-V host. |
Maximum Virtual Machine Migrations | Number | Yes | Maximum number of live migrations that can be performed at the same time on the Hyper-V host. |
NUMA Spanning Enabled | Boolean | Yes | Can virtual machines on the Hyper-V host can use resources from more than one NUMA node. |
Resource Metering Save Interval | String | Yes |
How often the Hyper-V host saves the data that tracks resource usage. The range is 1 hour to 24 hours. Time within that range can be specified using a format of hh:mm:ss.
You also can use a Timespan object to specify the interval. |
Use any Network for Migration | Boolean | Yes | Specifies how networks are selected for incoming live migration traffic. If set to $TRUE, any available network on the host can be used for this traffic. If set to $FALSE, incoming live migration traffic is transmitted only on the networks specified in the MigrationNetworks property of the host. The Get-VMMigrationNetwork returns the list of networks that can be used for migration traffic. |
Virtual HardDisk Path | String | Yes | Specifies the default folder to store virtual machine configuration files on the Hyper-V host. |
Virtual Machine Migration Authentication Type | Dropdown | Yes | Specifies the type of authentication to be used for live migrations. Allowed values are Kerberos or CredSSP. |
Virtual Machine Path Default | String | Yes | Specifies the default folder to store virtual machine configuration files on the Hyper-V host. |
Output Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
Result | Number | Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure. |
Example Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Example |
Fibre Channel Wwnn | String | No | C003FF0000FFFF00 |
Fibre Channel Wwpn Maximum | String | No | C003FF661D200000 |
Fibre Channel Wwpn Minimum | String | No | C003FF661D200000 |
MAC Address Maximum | String | No | 00155D0206FF |
MAC Address Minimum | String | No | 00155D020600 |
Maximum Storage Migrations | String | No | 10 |
Maximum Virtual Machine Migrations | String | No | 10 |
NUMA Spanning Enabled | Boolean | No | False |
Resource Metering Save Interval | String | No | 01:30:00 |
Use Any Network for Migration | Boolean | No | False |
Virtual HardDisk Path Default | String | No | C:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks |
Virtual Machine Migration Authentication Type | Dropdown | No | Kerberos |
Virtual Machine Path Default | String | No | C:\Hyper-V\Configuration Files |